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Payments Pulse

Payments Pulse
The Clearing House
Payments Pulse

Industry News & Resources

FDIC Publishes 2023 Risk Review

Check out the FDIC's comprehensive summary of key developments and risks in the U.S. Banking System, including a new section focused on crypto-based assets, by clicking here.

The Federal Reserve’s Fraud Work Group has Defined Scams….

Check out this link to see the Federal Reserve’s fraud work group’s definition of scams.

"Pig-Butchering" Scam is Related to Virtual Currency

FinCEN recently shared this alert making aware what "Pig-Butchering" in the world of scams really is.

Nacha is Spot Checking ACH Contact Registry Information

We're headed into a busy time of year, and now Nacha is starting to spot check the accuracy of the contact information in the ACH Contact Registry. Is yours up to date? Read their article here.

Two Opportunities to Network with The Clearing House!

In November, The Clearing House has two fantastic opportunities to hear up-to-date industry panels and sessions, presented by industry experts as well as get a chance to network with your industry partners and colleagues. Time is running out to register for both! TCHPA is hosting Concepts November 7-8 in Kalamazoo, Michigan and The Clearing House Annual Conference is November 16-17 in NYC. Time is running out to register for both! See details below.

The annual Concepts Conference is fast approaching and we're excited to see you all in person this year, while giving you a valuable opportunity to make connections with others in the industry. If you have not yet registered, it's not too late! Don't miss out on your opportunity to hear SMEs in the industry share their experiences.

If you're an AAP, APRP, or NCP, don't hesitate to join our in-person Alliance Workshops. This gives you an opportunity to network with other accredited experts, but also earn some continuing education credits along the way. While each workshop is hosted on Tuesday, November 7th, registration for each event is separate.
The 2023 Annual Conference will be in New York City on November 16 – 17. This premier gathering focuses on the key payments and policy issues for the country’s leading financial institutions. This conference brings together senior financial services executives, regulators, policy makers, and academics to address the challenges and opportunities for the industry through a thoughtful and fact-based discussion.

Payments Education

Upcoming Virtual Events:


ACH Rules Update for 2024

New Releases on the Ask an Auditor Series:


Product Risk Assessment & Product Risk

TCHPA Resources:

2024 "ACH Rules" Pre-Production Sale!

Mark your calendars and bookmark our Payments Store to order your 2024 Nacha Operating Rules and Guidelines starting Monday, November 14, 2023 Act fast because our Pre-production Sale ends Friday, December 1, 2023. If you prefer to purchase your Rule books in bulk, this is the best time to get them at the best price!

We Get Questions...

The following is provided for informational purposes only and doesn't constitute legal advice.

Instant Payments

Q and A
Q)  My customer sent an RTP transaction to the wrong receiver. How can we, as the financial institution, get that transaction returned?
A)  The RTP network is a final, irrevocable, credit push payment system. This means once the payment is accepted, the payment cannot be cancelled, reversed or recalled. However, this does not mean the Sender can't do anything. According to the RTP Operating Rules, a Sending Participant may initiate a Request for Return of Funds (non-payment message) to the Receiver for any reason, including a request of funds related to an unauthorized or erroneous RTP Payment such as wrong receiver. Once a Request for Return of Funds is received, the Receiving Participant must respond within 10 banking days of receiving the request except for messages sent due to fraud claims or breach of warranties. In those cases, the Receiving Participant may take longer than 10 banking days to respond in order to complete its investigation. The response to a Request for Return Funds message is either negative (indicating the Receiving Participant will not return the funds) or positive (indicating the Receiving Participant will return the funds). Once the Receiving Participant has sent their response, the Sending Participants may not resubmit a Request for Return of Funds for the same payment.
A Request for Return of Funds is a just that - a request. The Receiving Participant is under no obligation to "return" the funds, which is why Senders should carefully review all RTP transactions before pushing send! If the Receiving Participant decides to return the funds, it may initiate a payment message that sends the funds (as a credit push) to the original Sender.

Source: RTP Operating Rules (Section VII.D)

Member Support

TCHPA Fact Sheet

Remember, when you need support from The Clearing House Payments Authority (TCHPA), you can reach our Member Services staff directly by calling 800-875-2242 and choosing option 5, or by emailing

Professionals in every trade have an association they rely on for industry expertise, support and resources. We're the Association for Payments People®

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115 Business Park Dr.
Winston-Salem, NC 27107
United States

The Clearing House
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